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Work Stress: Help Me Get My Feet Back on the Ground

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Amy E. Mickel Ph.D., Elise J. Dallimore Ph.D.
Work and Quality of Life International Handbooks of Quality-of-Life, 2012


As stress in the workplace increases, so does the need to understand how stress can be managed and/or prevented. Tackling this issue is further complicated when stress-related decisions are experienced as ethical dilemmas. This chapter is designed to help employees “get their feet back on the ground” by focusing on internally based factors (i.e., self-efficacy, mood, and fatigue/exhaustion) that can influence stress coping; these efforts will, in turn, help employees with stress management, reduction, and prevention. Along with creating a culture supportive of reduction in stress (i.e., a culture in which making the decision to try and more effectively manage stress does not create an ethical dilemma), we suggest organizations consider: (a) training employees on boundary and coping strategies, (b) promoting short- and long-term recovery activities, and (c) incorporating life quality into socialization and mentoring programs and encouraging social support.

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