Performance-related musculoskeletal pain, depression and music performance anxiety in professional orchestral musicians: A population study
Key Research Articles

Key research papers are selected from a wide variety of peer reviewed journals and are judged to be of major importance in their respective fields.

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Psychology Progress features clinical trials that are considered to be of key importance in advancing the field of Psychiatry.

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Psychology Progress features breaking Neuroscience research judged by the advisory team.

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Notable conferences, summits and other meetings for research discussion and promotion.

Toward a multifactorial model of Alzheimer disease

Martha Storandt, Denise Head, Anne M. Fagan, David M. Holtzman, John C. Morris
Neurobiology of Aging, Volume 33, Issue 10 , Pages 2262-2271, October 2012

A two-way approach of congruent behavior between leaders and staff in the employeeship concept: Test of model, questionnaires, and influence on climate

Johan Bertlett, Curt R. Johansson, Marcus Arvidsson, Stefan Jern
Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 2012

Current depression among women in California according to residence in the California-Mexico border region

Suzanne Ryan-Ibarra, Joan Faith Epstein, Marta Induni, Michael A. Wright
Pan American Journal of Public Health, May 2012

Lower CSF Amyloid Beta Peptides and Higher F2-Isoprostanes in Cognitively Intact Elderly Individuals With Major Depressive Disorder

Nunzio Pomara, M.D.; Davide Bruno, Ph.D.; Antero S. Sarreal, M.D.; Raymundo T. Hernando, M.D.; Jay Nierenberg, M.D., Ph.D.; Eva Petkova, Ph.D.; John J. Sidtis, Ph.D.; Thomas M. Wisniewski, M.D.; Pankaj D. Mehta, Ph.D.; Domenico Pratico, …

Social identity and personality processes: Non-Aboriginal Australian identity and Neuroticism

Katherine J. Reynolds, Boris Bizumic, Emina Subasic, John C. Turner, Nyla Branscombe, Kenneth I. Mavor, Luisa Batalha
European Journal of Social Psychology, Volume 42, Issue 2, pages 252–262, March 2012

Unique and Universal Barriers: Hospice Care for Aging Adults with Intellectual Disability

Sandra L. Friedman , David T. Helm , and Ashley C. Woodman
American Journal on Mental Retardation, Volume 117, Issue 6 (November 2012)

Early cannabis use and Schizotypal Personality Disorder Symptoms from adolescence to middle adulthood

Deidre M. Anglin, Cheryl M. Corcoran, Alan S. Brown, Henian Chen, Quenesha Lighty, Judith S. Brook, Patricia R. Cohen
Schizophrenia Research, Volume 137, Issue 1 , Pages 45-49, May 2012

The cochlea as an independent neuroendocrine organ: Expression and possible roles of a local hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis-equivalent signaling system

Johnvesly Basappa, Christine E. Graham, Sevin Turcan, Douglas E. Vetter
Hearing Research, Volume 288, Issues 1–2, June 2012

Considering Accreditation in Gerontology: The Importance of Interprofessional Collaborative Competencies to Ensure Quality Health Care for Older Adults

Lynette R. Goldberg, Jennifer Scott Koontz, Nicole Rogers & Jean Brickell
Gerontology & Geriatrics Education, Volume 33, Issue 1, 2012
Special Issue: Accreditation in Gerontology: Opportunities and Challenges, Guest Editor: David C. Burdick

Effect of plasma lipids, hypertension and APOE genotype on cognitive decline

Fumihiko Yasuno, Satoshi Tanimukai, Megumi Sasaki, Chiaki Ikejima, Fumio Yamashita, Chiine Kodama, Shin Hidaka, Katsuyoshi Mizukami, Takashi Asada
Neurobiology of Aging, Volume 33, Issue 11 , Pages 2633-2640, November 2012

Loneliness and self-reported health among older persons in New Zealand

Steven La Grow, Stephen Neville, Fiona Alpass, Vivien Rodgers
Australasian Journal on Ageing, Volume 31, Issue 2, pages 121–123, June 2012

Executive function skills are associated with reading and parent-rated child function in children born prematurely

Executive function skills are associated with reading and parent-rated child function in children born prematurely

Irene M. Loe, Eliana S. Lee, Beatriz Luna, Heidi M. Feldman
Early Human Development, Volume 88, Issue 2 , Pages 111-118, February 2012

Older twins’ experiences of the relationship with their co-twin over the life-course

Sirpa Pietilä, Anita Björklund, Pia Bülow
Journal of Aging Studies, Volume 26, Issue 2, April 2012

Men’s Alcohol Intoxication and Condom Use During Sexual Assault Perpetration

Kelly Cue Davis, PhD, Preston A. Kiekel, PhD, Trevor J. Schraufnagel, MS, Jeanette Norris, PhD, William H. George, PhD, Kelly F. Kajumulo, MPH
Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Volume 27, Number 14, September 2012

Age-related impairment in a complex object discrimination task that engages perirhinal cortex

L. Ryan, J.A. Cardoza1, M.D. Barense, K.H. Kawa1, J. Wallentin-Flores, W.T. Arnold, G.E. Alexander
Hippocampus,Volume 22, Issue 10, pages 1978–1989, October 2012
Special Issue: Perirhinal Cortex: At the Crossroads of Memory and Perception

Quest for the best: Effects of errorless and active encoding on word re-learning in semantic dementia

Regina Jokel & Nicole D. Anderson
Neuropsychological Rehabilitation: An International Journal, Volume 22, Issue 2, 2012
Special Issue: Errorless Learning and Rehabilitation of Language and Memory Impairments

What should be in a self-management programme for people with early dementia?

Gail A. Mountain & Claire L. Craig
Aging & Mental Health, Volume 16, Issue 5, 2012

A Passive Monitoring System in Assisted Living Facilities: 12-Month Comparative Study

Pankaj A Patel and Candace Gunnarsson
Physical & Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics, Volume 30, Issue 1:45-52, 2012