Performance-related musculoskeletal pain, depression and music performance anxiety in professional orchestral musicians: A population study
Key Research Articles

Key research papers are selected from a wide variety of peer reviewed journals and are judged to be of major importance in their respective fields.

Clinical Trials

Psychology Progress features clinical trials that are considered to be of key importance in advancing the field of Psychiatry.

Neuroscience Breakthroughs

Psychology Progress features breaking Neuroscience research judged by the advisory team.

Psychologist Profile

Prominent figures in Psychology are featured to highlight their biographies and accomplishments


Notable conferences, summits and other meetings for research discussion and promotion.

Perturbations in cortical development and neuronal network excitability arising from prenatal exposure to benzodiazepines in mice

Matilda Haas, Zhengdong Qu, Tae Hwan Kim, Ernesto Vargas, Kenneth Campbe, Steven Petrou, Seong-Seng Ta, Christopher A. Reid, Julian Heng
European Journal of Neuroscience, Volume 37, Issue 10, pages 1584–1593, May 2013

Honor as a value in Finland, Estonia, Italy, Russia, and Switzerland

Klaus Helkama, Markku Verkasalo, Liisa Myyry, Mia Silfver, Toomas Niit, Anna-Maria Manganelli, G. M. Andreeva, T. G. Stefanenko, E. M. Dubovskaya, O. A. Tikhomandritskaya, Anna Stetsenko
Group Processes Intergroup Relations, May 2013, vol. 16, no. 3, …

A randomized controlled trial of a smoking cessation intervention conducted among prisoners

Robyn Richmond, Devon Indig, Tony Butler, Kay Wilhelm, Vicki Archer, Alex Wodak
Addiction, Volume 108, Issue 5, pages 966–974, May 2013

A Comparison of Lesbian, Bisexual, and Heterosexual College Undergraduate Women on Selected Mental Health Issues

Dianne L. Kerr PhD, MCHES, Laura Santurri PhD, CPH & Patricia Peters MA
Journal of American College Health, Volume 61, Issue 4, 2013

Evolutionary tinkering with visual photoreception

Visual Neuroscience, Volume 30, Issue 1-2, March 2013, pp 21-37

Binding and Repressive Activities of Apolipoprotein E3 and E4 Isoforms on the Human ApoD Promoter

Louis-Charles Levros Jr., Marilyne Labrie, Cyndia Charfi, Eric Rassart
Molecular Neurobiology, May 2013

The Role of Electrode Location and Stimulation Polarity in Patient Response to Cortical Stimulation for Major Depressive Disorder

Yagna Pathak, Brian H. Kopell, Aniko Szabo, Charles Rainey, Harold Harsch, Christopher R. Butson
BRAIN STIMULATION: Basic, Translational, and Clinical Research in Neuromodulation, Volume 6, Issue 3 , Pages 254-260, May 2013

Additive conjoint measurement and the resistance toward falsifiability in psychology

Moritz Heene
Frontiers in Psychology, Quantitative Psychology and Measurement

Acceptance and commitment therapy for fibromyalgia: A randomized controlled trial

R. K. Wicksell, M. Kemani, K. Jensen, E. Kosek, D. Kadetoff, K. Sorjonen, M. Ingvar, G. L. Olsson
European Journal of Pain, Volume 17, Issue 4, pages 599–611, April 2013

Understanding Latin American Beliefs about Racial Inequality

Edward Telles and Stanley Bailey
American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 118, No. 6 (May 2013), pp. 1559-1595

Neuroscience meets music education: Exploring the implications of neural processing models on music education practice

Anita Collins
International Journal of Music Education, May 2013, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 217-231

The Brain’s Silent Messenger: Using Selective Attention to Decode Human Thought for Brain-Based Communication

Lorina Naci, Rhodri Cusack, Vivian Z. Jia, and Adrian M. Owen
The Journal of Neuroscience, 29 May 2013, 33(22): 9385-9393

Cessation of voluntary wheel running increases anxiety-like behavior and impairs adult hippocampal neurogenesis in mice

Takeshi Nishijima, María Llorens-Martín, Gonzalo Sanchez Tejeda, Koshiro Inouec, Yuhei Yamamura, Hideaki Soy, José Luis Trejo, Ignacio Torres-Alemán
Behavioural Brain Research, Volume 245, 15 May 2013, Pages 34–41

Globalization as a discourse of hegemonic crisis: A global systemic analysis

American Ethnologist, Volume 40, Issue 2, pages 244–257, May 2013

Cognitive aging explains age-related differences in face-based recognition of basic emotions except for anger and disgust

Atsunobu Suzuki & Hiroko Akiyama
Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition: A Journal on Normal and Dysfunctional Development, Volume 20, Issue 3, 2013

A derived transfer of eliciting emotional functions using differences among electroencephalograms as a dependent measure

Micah Amd, Dermot Barnes-Holmes, Jason Ivanoff
Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, Volume 99, Issue 3, pages 318–334, May 2013

Early teacher expectations disproportionately affect poor children’s high school performance

Sorhagen, Nicole S.
Journal of Educational Psychology, Vol 105(2), May 2013, 465-477

Making of Victim a Patient: Sexually Abused Children and the Consequences of Unprofessional Help

Sarita Sahay
Psychological Studies, June 2013, Volume 58, Issue 2, pp 153-163

Hamlet’s answer to Freud

Stephen Gross
Psychodynamic Practice: Individuals, Groups and Organisations, Volume 19, Issue 2, 2013

Additional thoughts regarding barebacking contradictions

Chrisman, Shawn W.
Qualitative Health Research, 23.5 (May 2013): 711