Performance-related musculoskeletal pain, depression and music performance anxiety in professional orchestral musicians: A population study
Key Research Articles

Key research papers are selected from a wide variety of peer reviewed journals and are judged to be of major importance in their respective fields.

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Psychology Progress features clinical trials that are considered to be of key importance in advancing the field of Psychiatry.

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Psychology Progress features breaking Neuroscience research judged by the advisory team.

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Prominent figures in Psychology are featured to highlight their biographies and accomplishments


Notable conferences, summits and other meetings for research discussion and promotion.

Religious expressions of spirituality by displaced Karen from Burma: The need for a spiritually sensitive social work response

Shirley Worland, Chayan Vaddhanaphuti
International Social Work, May 2013, vol. 56, no. 3, 384-402

Psychosocial Needs of Rural Survivors of Cancer and Their Partners

Michael Glasser PhD, Kimberly Nielsen MPH, Sky Niesen Smith MSW & Candi Gray MSW
Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, Volume 31, Issue 3, 2013

Focused attention, heart rate deceleration, and cognitive development in preterm and full-term infants

Julianne H. Petrie Thomas, Michael F. Whitfield, Tim F. Oberlander, Anne R. Synnes, Ruth E. Grunau
Developmental Psychobiology, Volume 54, Issue 4, pages 383–400, May 2012

Rethinking Gender and Health: Some Insights From the Italian Experience

Paola Adinolfi, Raffaele Adinolfi
International Journal of Men’s Health,Volume 12, Number 1 , June 2013

Parents, Television and Children’s Weight Status: On lasting effects of parental television socialization in the Netherlands

Natascha Notten, Gerbert Kraaykamp & Jochem Tolsma
Journal of Children and Media, Volume 7, Issue 2, 2013

Cultural differences in social networking site use: A comparative study of China and the United States

Linda A. Jackson, Jin-Liang Wang
Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 29, Issue 3, May 2013, Pages 910–921

An exploration of a quasi-stable online network: A longitudinal perspective

Laura C. Farrell, Julie Fudge
Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 29, Issue 3, May 2013, Pages 681–686

From genes to cognition in tuberous sclerosis: Implications for mTOR inhibitor-based treatment approaches

Dan Ehninger
Neuropharmacology, Volume 68, May 2013, Pages 97–105

In the name of honor: On virtue, reputation and violence

Patricia M. Rodriguez Mosquera
Group Processes Intergroup Relations, May 2013, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 271-278

Perceptions of Family Physician Trainees and Trainers Regarding the Usefulness of a Virtual Community of Practice

Stephen Barnett, BMed, MRCGP, DCH(Lond), FRACGP; Sandra C Jones, BA, MBA, PostGradDipHlthProm, MPH; Sue Bennett, BSC, BSC(Hons), GCertHEd, PhD, MSc; Don Iverson, BSC, MSc, PhD; Andrew Bonney, MBBS(Hons), MFM(Clin), PhD, FRACGP
JMIR, Volume 15, Issue 5, …

Pregnancy Experiences of Western Australian Women Attending a Specialist Childbirth and Mental Illness Antenatal Clinic

Yvonne Hauck, Suzanna Allen, Fiona Ronchi, Deb Faulkner, Jacqueline Frayne & Thinh Nguyen
Health Care for Women International, Volume 34, Issue 5, 2013

Independent appearance of an innovative feeding behaviour in Antillean bullfinches

S. Ducatez, J. N. Audet, L. Lefebvre
Animal Cognition, May 2013, Volume 16, Issue 3, pp 525-529

A dual-process model of early substance use: Tests in two diverse populations of adolescents

Wills, Thomas A.; Bantum, Erin O’Carroll; Pokhrel, Pallav; Maddock, Jay E.; Ainette, Michael G.; Morehouse, Ellen; Fenster, Bonnie
Health Psychology, Vol 32(5), May 2013, 533-542

Medication Adherence and Treatment Patterns for Hypogonadal Patients Treated with Topical Testosterone Therapy: A Retrospective Medical Claims Analysis

Michael Jay Schoenfeld MA, Emily Shortridge PhD, Zhanglin Cui PhD, David Muram MD
The Journal of Sexual Medicine, Volume 10, Issue 5, pages 1401–1409, May 2013

Metastressors as Barriers to Self-Sufficiency Among TANF-Reliant African American and Latina Women

Stan L. Bowie, Donna M. Dopwell
Affilia: The Journal of Women and Social Work, 28(2), 177-193

Measuring Team Performance in Complex and Dynamic Military Environments: The SPOTLITE Method

MacMillan, Jean; Entin, Eileen B.; Morley, Rebecca; Bennett Jr., Winston
Military Psychology, Vol 25(3), May 2013, 266-279

Dynamic Interactions between Intermediate Neurogenic Progenitors and Radial Glia in Embryonic Mouse Neocortex: Potential Role in Dll1-Notch Signaling

Branden R. Nelson, Rebecca D. Hodge, Francesco Bedogni, and Robert F. Hevner
The Journal of Neuroscience, 22 May 2013, 33(21): 9122-9139

Chronic methamphetamine exposure produces a delayed, long-lasting memory deficit

Ashley North, Jarod Swant, Michael F. Salvatore, Joyonna Gamble-george, Petra Prins, Brittany Butler, Mukul K. Mittal, Rebecca Heltsley, John T. Clark, Habibeh Khoshbouei
Synapse, Volume 67, Issue 5, pages 245–257, May 2013

Developing Quality Indicators for Family Support Services in Community Team-Based Mental Health Care

S. Serene Olin, Krista Kutash, Michele Pollock, Barbara J. Burns, Anne Kuppinger, Nancy Craig, Frances Purdy, Kelsey Armusewicz, Jennifer Wisdom, Kimberly E. Hoagwood
Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, May 2013