Performance-related musculoskeletal pain, depression and music performance anxiety in professional orchestral musicians: A population study
Key Research Articles

Key research papers are selected from a wide variety of peer reviewed journals and are judged to be of major importance in their respective fields.

Clinical Trials

Psychology Progress features clinical trials that are considered to be of key importance in advancing the field of Psychiatry.

Neuroscience Breakthroughs

Psychology Progress features breaking Neuroscience research judged by the advisory team.

Psychologist Profile

Prominent figures in Psychology are featured to highlight their biographies and accomplishments


Notable conferences, summits and other meetings for research discussion and promotion.

Predictors of music performance anxiety during skilled performance in tertiary flute players

Dianna T. Kenny, James M. Fortune, Bronwen Ackermann
Psychology of Music, November 11, 2011

Glass Cliffs and Organizational Saviors: Barriers to Minority Leadership in Work Organizations?

Alison Cook and Christy Glass
Social Problems, Vol. 60, No. 2 (May 2013), pp. 168-187

Moments of Meeting: The Relational Challenges of Sexuality in the Consulting Room

Paul Renn
British Journal of Psychotherapy, Volume 29, Issue 2, pages 135–153, May 2013

Predicting desistance in a high risk sample: Examining the influence of individual and contextual factors

Sophie M. Aiyer, Joanna Lee Williams, Patrick H. Tolan, Melvin N. Wilson
Journal of Community Psychology, Volume 41, Issue 4, pages 408–424, May 2013

Electroencephalogram paroxysmal theta characterizes cataplexy in mice and children

Anne Vassalli, Jose M. Dellepiane, Yann Emmenegger, Sonia Jimenez, Stefano Vandi, Giuseppe Plazzi, Paul Franken and Mehdi Tafti
Brain (2013) 136 (5): 1592-1608

Impaired perceptual processing and conceptual cognition in patients with anxiety disorders: A pilot study with the binocular depth inversion paradigm

Torsten Passie, Udo Schneider, Mathias Borsutzky, Roger Breyer, Hinderk M. Emrich, Borwin Bandelow & Gerhard Schmid-Ott
Psychology, Health & Medicine, Volume 18, Issue 3, 2013

Neonatal treatment with lipopolysaccharide differentially affects adult anxiety responses in the light–dark test and taste neophobia test in male and female rats

Christine M. Tenk, Martin Kavaliers, Klaus-Peter Ossenkopp
International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience, Volume 31, Issue 3, May 2013, Pages 171–180

The Use of Adventure Therapy in Community-Based Mental Health: Decreases in Problem Severity Among Youth Clients

The Use of Adventure Therapy in Community-Based Mental Health: Decreases in Problem Severity Among Youth Clients

Anita R. Tucker, Steve Javorski, Julie Tracy, Bobbi Beale
Child & Youth Care Forum, April 2013, Volume 42, Issue 2, pp 155-179

A Critical Black Feminist Ethnography of Treatment for Women with Co-occurring Disorders in the Psychiatric Hospital

Laryssa M. Creswell MMT, EdD
The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research, May 2013

Can Psychotherapists Function as Their Own Controls? Meta-Analysis of the Crossed Therapist Design in Comparative Psychotherapy Trials

Fredrik Falkenström, PhD; John C. Markowitz, MD; Hanske Jonker, MSc; Björn Philips, PhD; and Rolf Holmqvist, PhD
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 2013;74(5):482–491

Pilot programme of modular symptom-specific group cognitive behaviour therapy in a ‘Real World’ early intervention in psychosis service

David Raune and Suzanne Law
Early Intervention in Psychiatry, Volume 7, Issue 2, Article first published online: 24 JAN 2013

The ambivalent mind can be a wise mind: Emotional ambivalence increases judgment accuracy

Laura Rees, Naomi B. Rothman, Reuven Lehavy, Jeffrey Sanchez-Burks
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Volume 49, Issue 3, May 2013, Pages 360–367

Language abilities of internationally adopted children from China during the early school years: Evidence for early age effects?

Applied Psycholinguistics, Volume 34, Issue 03, May 2013, pp 541-568

Challenges in transforming military training: Research and application of advanced simulation and training technologies and methods

Bennett Jr., Winston; Schreiber, Brian; Portrey, Antoinette M.; Bell, Herbert H.
Military Psychology, Vol 25(3), May 2013, 173-176

The psychological and neurological bases of leader self-complexity and effects on adaptive decision-making

Hannah, Sean T.; Balthazard, Pierre A.; Waldman, David A.; Jennings, Peter L.; Thatcher, Robert W.
Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol 98(3), May 2013, 393-411

Autobiographical memory in multiple sclerosis patients: Assessment and cognitive facilitation

A. Ernst, F. Blanc, V. Voltzenlogel, J. de Seze, B. Chauvin & L. Manning
Neuropsychological Rehabilitation: An International Journal, Volume 23, Issue 2, 2013

Financial satisfaction and its relationship to depressive symptoms in middle-aged and older adults: Results from the FIN-D2D survey

Nina Rautio, Hannu Kautiainen, Hannu Koponen, Pekka Mäntyselkä, Markku Timonen, Leo Niskanen, Timo Saaristo, Heikki Oksa, Markku Peltonen, Hannu Puolijoki, Mauno Vanhala, Sirkka Keinänen-Kiukaanniemi
Int J Soc Psychiatry, May 2013, vol. 59, no. 3 239-246

Discounting pain in the absence of medical evidence is explained by negative evaluation of the patient

Lies De Ruddere, Liesbet Goubert, Michaël Stevens, Amanda C. de C. Williams, Geert Crombez
PAIN, Volume 154, Issue 5 , Pages 669-676, May 2013