Performance-related musculoskeletal pain, depression and music performance anxiety in professional orchestral musicians: A population study
Key Research Articles

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Notable conferences, summits and other meetings for research discussion and promotion.

Social learning in captive African elephants (Loxodonta africana africana)

Brian J. Greco, Tracey K. Brown, Jeff R. M. Andrews, Ronald R. Swaisgood, Nancy G. Caine
Animal Cognition, May 2013, Volume 16, Issue 3, pp 459-469

Moral emotion attributions and personality traits as long-term predictors of antisocial conduct in early adulthood: Findings from a 20-year longitudinal study

Tobias Krettenauer, Jens B. Asendorpf, Gertrud Nunner-Winkler
International Journal of Behavioral Development, February 25, 2013

The Stress Sources of Nursing Students

Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice – 13(2), Spring, 760-766

Adaptive diagrams: Handing control over to the learner to manage split-attention online

Shirley Agostinho, Sharon Tindall-Ford , Kylie Roodenrys
Computers & Education, Volume 64, May 2013, Pages 52–62

Gender differences in health-related quality of life, physical function and psychological status among patients in the early phase following allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation

Shinichiro Morishita, Katsuji Kaida, Shinya Yamauchi, Tatsushi Wakasugi, Satoshi Yoshihara, Kyoko Taniguchi, Shinichi Ishii, Kazuhiro Ikegame, Norihiko Kodama, Hiroyasu Ogawa, Kazuhisa Domen
Psycho-Oncology, Volume 22, Issue 5, pages 1159–1166, May 2013

Age-related similarities and differences in brain activity underlying reversal learning

Kaoru Nashiro, Michiko Sakaki, Lin Nga and Mara Mather
Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 30 May 2013

Linking Personal Values to Energy-Efficient Behaviors in the Home

Miranda Mirosa, Rob Lawson, Daniel Gnoth
Environment and Behavior, December 27, 2011

Acute antipsychotic treatments induce distinct c-Fos expression patterns in appetite-related neuronal structures of the rat brain

Ramamoorthy Rajkumar, Lionel Kee Yon See, Gavin Stewart Dawe
Brain Research, Volume 1508, 1 May 2013, Pages 34–43

Neuroligin1 Drives Synaptic and Behavioral Maturation through Intracellular Interactions

Jennifer L. Hoy, Paola A. Haeger, John R. L. Constable, Renee J. Arias, Raluca McCallum, Michael Kyweriga, Lawrence Davis, Eric Schnell, Michael Wehr, Pablo E. Castillo, and Philip Washbourne
The Journal of Neuroscience, 29 May 2013, …

Theory of Mind, Socio-Emotional Problem-Solving, Socio-Emotional Regulation in Children with Intellectual Disability and in Typically Developing Children

Céline Baurain, Nathalie Nader-Grosbois
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, May 2013, Volume 43, Issue 5, pp 1080-1097

Representation of motor habit in a sequence of repetitive reach and grasp movements performed by macaque monkeys: Evidence for a contribution of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex

Mélanie Kaeser, Thierry Wannier, Jean-François Brunet, Alexander Wyss, Jocelyne Bloch, Eric M. Rouiller
Cortex, Volume 49, Issue 5, May 2013, Pages 1404–1419

John Fowles and ‘The Magic Web of Storytelling

Cristina Mălinoiu Pătraşcu
Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 63, 29 October 2012, Pages 307–316
The 4th Edition of the International Conference: Paradigms of the Ideological Discourse 2012

Second-generation antipsychotic medications and risk of pneumonia in schizophrenia

Chian-Jue Kuo, Shu-Yu Yang, Ya-Tang Liao, Wei J. Chen, Wen-Chung Lee, Wen-Yi Shau, Yao-Tung Chang, Shang-Ying Tsai and Chiao-Chicy Chen
Schizophrenia Bulletin (2012)

Psychological well-being in professional orchestral musicians in Australia: A descriptive population study

Psychological well-being in professional orchestral musicians in Australia: A descriptive population study

Dianna Kenny, Tim Driscoll, Bronwen Ackermann
Psychology of Music, December 12, 2012

Pharmacological profile of engineered 5-HT4 receptors and identification of 5-HT4 receptor-biased ligands

Florence Gaven, Lucie P. Pellissier, Emilie Queffeulou, Maud Cochet, Joël Bockaert, Aline Dumuis, Sylvie Claeysen
Brain Research, Volume 1511, 20 May 2013, Pages 65–72

Medullo-ponto-cerebellar white matter degeneration altered brain network organization and cortical morphology in multiple system atrophy

Chia-Feng Lu, Po-Shan Wang, Yuan-Lin Lao, Hsiu-Mei Wu, Bing-Wen Soong, Yu-Te Wu
Brain Structure and Function, May 2013

Sensory processing, neurocognition, and social cognition in schizophrenia: Towards a cohesive cognitive model

J. (Sjakko) J. de Jong, B. (Beatrice) de Gelder, P. (Paul) P.G. Hodiamont
Schizophrenia Research, Volume 146, Issue 1 , Pages 209-216, May 2013