Hyperarousal, sleep scheduling, and time awake in bed as mediators of outcome in computerized cognitive-behavioral therapy (cCBT) for insomnia
N. Vincent, K. Walsh
Behaviour Research and Therapy, Volume 51, Issue 3, March 2013
This study investigated the relationship between hyperarousal, sleep scheduling, and time awake in bed in a secondary data analysis. Participants were 89 adults with chronic insomnia previously involved in a randomized controlled trial of 5 weeks of computerized cognitive behavioral therapy (cCBT). At measurement periods, participants completed the Pre-Sleep Arousal Scale, 7 days of sleep diaries, and the Insomnia Severity Index. Measures were re-administered at a 4 week follow-up. Results showed that improvements in hyperarousal and time awake in bed partially mediated the impact of cCBT on sleep at follow-up but that improvements in sleep schedule consistency did not. Of these mediators, pre-sleep arousal is more significant in explaining change associated with cCBT for insomnia.
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