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Frustration and Anxiety among Sportsmen in Team games vis- a-vis Sportsmen in Individual games

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Rutuja Chinchankar and Vaishali Mardhekar
Journal of Psychosocial Research Volume 7 Issue 1 pg. 95-100

The present study investigated frustration and anxiety experienced by the sportsmen representing team games and those representing individual games. 40 males playing individual games and 40 males playing team games within the age range of 15-25 years responded to Frustration test (Chauhan and Tiwari, 1972) and State-trait anxiety scale (Spielberger, 1966). The overall MANOVA was significant. Univariate analysis of variance showed that sportsmen in team games possess more resignation and aggression behaviour of frustration than sportsmen in individual games. No significant differences were noted on regression and fixation dimensions of frustration. No differences were noted on anxiety among males representing team sports and those playing individual sports. Overall the results have favored the psychological condition of the sportsmen.

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