Articles in Top Cognitive Studies
Picture-naming in patients with left frontal lobe tumor – a functional neuroimaging study
David A. Bridwell and Ramesh Srinivasan
Psychological Science, October 2012 vol. 23 no. 10 1151-1158
Gender differences revealed in the right posterior temporal areas during Navon letter identification tasks
Lee J, Chung D, Chang S, Kim S, Kim SW, Park H, Ryu S, Jeong J.
Brain Imaging and Behavior, September 2012, Volume 6, Issue 3, pp 387-396
Genome-wide expression changes in a higher state of consciousness
Metka Ravnik-Glavač, Sonja Hrašovec, Jure Bon, Jurij Dreu, Damjan Glavač
Consciousness and Cognition, Volume 21, Issue 3, September 2012
Mind-culture interactions: How writing molds mental fluidity in early development

Smaragda Kazi, Andreas Demetriou, George Spanoudis, Xiang Kui Zhang, Yuan Wang
Intelligence Volume 40, Issue 6, November–December 2012, Pages 622–637
Distinct Attention Networks for Feature Enhancement and Suppression in Vision
Bridwell DA, Srinivasan R.
Psychological Science October 2012 vol. 23 no. 10 1151-1158
Activities and Programs That Improve Children’s Executive Functions

Adele Diamond
Current Directions in Psychological Science October 2012 vol. 21 no. 5 335-341
Maternal depression and sex differences shape the infants’ trajectories of cognitive development
Schale Azak
Infant Behavior and Development Volume 35, Issue 4, December 2012, Pages 803–814
Acute caffeine consumption enhances the executive control of visual attention in habitual consumers
Tad T. Brunyé, Caroline R. Mahoney, Harris R. Lieberman, Grace E. Giles, Holly A. Taylor
Brain and Cognition Volume 74, Issue 3, December 2010, Pages 186-192
Role of motor processes in extrinsically encoding mental transformations
Maryjane Wraga ,Holly K. Boyle, Catherine M. Flynn
Brain and Cognition Volume 74, Issue 3, December 2010, Pages 193-202
Why do we move our eyes while trying to remember? The relationship between non-visual gaze patterns and memory
Dragana Micic ,Howard Ehrlichman , Rebecca Chen1
Brain and Cognition Volume 74, Issue 3, December 2010, Pages 210-224
Intuition, reason, and metacognition
Valerie A. Thompson ,Jamie A. Prowse Turner, Gordon Pennycook
Cognitive Psychology Volume 63, Issue 3, November 2011, Pages 107-140
Cues for self-recognition in point-light displays of actions performed in synchrony with music
Vassilis Sevdalis , Peter E. Keller
Consciousness and Cognition Volume 19, Issue 2, June 2010, Pages 617-626
Feeling of doing in obsessive–compulsive checking
S. Belayachi, M. Van der Linden
Consciousness and Cognition Volume 19, Issue 2, June 2010, Pages 534-546
A high-loaded hemisphere successfully ignores distractors
Ritsuko Nishimura, Kazuhito Yoshizaki
Consciousness and Cognition Volume 19, Issue 4, December 2010, Pages 953-961
Cerebral blood flow differences between long-term meditators and non-meditators
Andrew B. Newberg, Nancy Winteringa, Mark R. Waldman, Daniel Amen, Dharma S. Khalsa, Abass Alavi
Consciousness and Cognition Volume 19, Issue 4, December 2010, Pages 899-905
Awareness of the saccade goal in oculomotor selection: Your eyes go before you know
Wieske van Zoest, Mieke Donk
Consciousness and Cognition, Volume 19, Issue 4, December 2010, Pages 861-87