Articles in Key Research Articles
Performance-related musculoskeletal pain, depression and music performance anxiety in professional orchestral musicians: A population study

Dianna Kenny, Bronwen Ackermann
Psychology of Music, September 2, 2013
Neural Responses to Ambiguity Involve Domain-general and Domain-specific Emotion Processing Systems
Maital Neta, William M. Kelley, and Paul J. Whalen
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Vol. 25, No. 4, Pages 547-557, April 2013
Language, writing, and activity disorder in the autistic spectrum

Daniel Orlievsky and Sebastián Cukier
Frontiers in Integrative Science, 7:42, 2013
Psychosocial Factors Predicting First-Year College Student Success

Elizabeth J. Krumrei-Mancuso, Fred B. Newton, Eunhee Kim, Dan Wilcox
Journal of College Student Development, Volume 54, Number 3, May-June 2013, pp. 247-266
Eating Competence of College Students in an Introductory Nutrition Course

Lora Beth Brown, EdD, RD, Katrina J. Larsen, MS, RD, Nora K. Nyland, PhD, RD, Dennis L. Eggett, PhD
Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, Volume 45, Issue 3 , Pages 269-273, May 2013
Foveal visual acuity is worse and shows stronger contour interaction effects for contrast-modulated than luminance-modulated Cs

Visual Neuroscience, Volume 30, Issue 03, May 2013, pp 105-120
Reexamining the validity and reliability of the clinical version of the Iowa gambling task: evidence from a normal subject group

Ching-Hung Lin, Tzu-Jiun Song, Ying-Ying Chen, We-Kang Lee and Yao-Chu Chiu
Front. Psychol. 4:220, 29 May 2013
Propiedades psicometricas de la Escala de Conducta Antisocial y Delictiva en adolescentes

José Manuel Andreu Rodríguez, María E. Peña
Anales de Psicologia, Vol 29, No. 2 (2013)
How long in the wilderness? Australian lesbian parents and social policy reform

Margot Rawsthorne
Critical Social Policy, September 6, 2012
Japanese Children’s Reactions to Family Photographs: Associations with Mothers’ Attachment Status

Kazuko Y. Behrens, Tomo Umemura
Infant and Child Development, Volume 22, Issue 3, pages 289–296, May/June 2013
Children’s bricolage under the gaze of teachers in sociodramatic play

Po Chi Tam
Childhood, May 2013, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 244-259
Most Vesicles in a Central Nerve Terminal Participate in Recycling

Lei Xue and Ling-gang Wu
The Journal of Neuroscience, 15 May 2013, 33(20):8820-8826
Teaching Design in Middle-School: Instructors’ Concerns and Scaffolding Strategies

Yael M. Bamberger, Clara S. Cahill
Journal of Science Education and Technology, April 2013, Volume 22, Issue 2, pp 171-185
Adolescent Victims of Natural Disasters: A Phenomenological Study on Lived Experiences and Behaviors Displayed after a Crisis

Lakisha Mearidy-Bell
Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, Volume 23, Issue 4, 2013
Impact of Electronic Health Records on Malpractice Claims in a Sample of Physician Offices in Colorado: A Retrospective Cohort Study

Michael S. Victoroff MD, Barbara M. Drury BA, Elizabeth J. Campagna MS, PStat®, Elaine H. Morrato DrPH, MPH
Journal of General Internal Medicine, May 2013, Volume 28, Issue 5, pp 637-644
A Year-long Caregiver Training Program to Improve Neurocognition in Preschool Ugandan HIV-exposed Children

Boivin, Michael J. PhD, MPH; Bangirana, Paul PhD; Nakasujja, Noeline PhD, MMed; Page, Connie F. PhD; Shohet, Cilly PhD; Givon, Deborah MS; Bass, Judith K. PhD; Opoka, Robert O. MMed, MPH; Klein, Pnina S. PhD
Journal …
Attitude towards psychiatric treatment and referral pattern in the University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital- A preliminary report

MA Wakil, IW Abdul, MS Jidda, O Beida, A Ahidjo, FK Salawu, JO Abdulmalik
African Journal of Psychiatry, Vol 16, No 3, 2013
Questions, ideas and tools: lessons from bat echolocation

M. Brock Fenton
Animal Behaviour, Volume 85, Issue 5, May 2013, Pages 869–879
Behavioral, Biochemical, and Molecular Indices of Stress are Enhanced in Female Versus Male Rats Experiencing Nicotine Withdrawal

Torres OV, Gentil LG, Natividad LA, Carcoba LM, O’Dell LE
Frontiers in psychiatry, 4: 2013, pg 38