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4th Conference in the series: Brain Development and Learning

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July 24, 2013
July 28, 2013
Westin Bayshore Hotel
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
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“A conference not to be missed!”  - Clyde Hertzman, Health Researcher of the Year (2010, Canada)


This remarkable conference brings together doctors, teachers, researchers, & clinicians.

Ground-breaking, mind-changing discoveries in neuroscience, psychology, & medicine are presented in clear, non-technical, no-nonsense ways that non-scientists can understand, see the immediate relevance of, & use – providing a bridge between Research & Practice.


Many of the talks for July 2013 are on:

• Early Development of Mind, Brain, & Behavior

• Trauma, Stress & Healing

• Integrating Mind, Body, & Spirit

• Gender Differences

• Epigenetics & Neuroplasticity

Learn about some of the latest scientific advances from the remarkable scientists who made the discoveries.

Learn practical, evidence-based strategies to help children:

• excel academically

• nurture empathy & compassion within themselves, &

• flourish despite developmental disorders, abuse, motor challenges, or blindness


Among the 34 remarkable speakers are John Cacioppo, Susan Goldin-Meadow, Mary Gordon, Annette Karmiloff-Smith, Gabor Maté, Bruce Perry, Dan Siegel, Tania Singer, Michael Stryker, & Bessel van der Kolk.


The conference series began in 2006 & has doubled in size at each meeting because people find it so valuable.

99% of those who attended the last meeting rated it OUTSTANDING!   


Outstanding speakers! Outstanding organization! New research presented in clear, elegant, & exciting manner!”

           “Great balance between research & practical application.”

                       “Best conference I’ve ever attended in my long career!”


Learn many things you hadn’t known.

See evidence for things you’ve long known but never had scientific evidence for before.


Be prepared to be inspired, empowered, even transformed.


Leave with ideas you can put into practice & use in your work with children or patients.

Meet people from all over the world.


Continuing Education Credits available for the US & Canada


SAVE MONEY:  Register before Feb. 15 to take advantage of Early Bird Discounts


Conference website: